
1. Functions used to Transformed/Clean the Raw Data

1.1. How To Use the Utils

** Under Construction **

1.2. Modules inside the Utils Package

Script used to join all the raw data into one FullDataSet.

Utils.JoiningData.JoinAllFiles(PathToFiles, OutputFilename, SaveToCsv=True, Verbose=False)

This function will be navigating through the folderstructure:

  • Period/Cycle (Folder)
    • Partials (Folder)
      • Semester/Group (file)

Reading all the files, adding the columns Cycle, Partial, Semester and Group.

Removing some columns/rows not used.

Reformating the data to move all the Subjects that are in columns to rows.

Joining all the files in just one dataframe.

The parameters are:

  • PathToFiles: Path to the folder that contain all the Periods/Partials/Semester files

  • OutputFileName: If SaveToCsv is True, this path will be used to stored the output dataframe as csv

  • SaveToCsv: If True, it will save the output dataframe to a csv file

  • Verbose: if True, the script will be printing a lot of information regarding what is doing the script